Media Kit

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Please include the following paragraph about The Children’s Movement of Florida at the end of your press release.

“About The Children’s Movement of Florida: We are a nonprofit, nonpartisan movement of Floridians advocating for the policies and investments that help each child in Florida thrive in their first five years. We amplify the voices of parents and educators, engage elected officials, and highlight the role of business leaders."

Key Facts

We are proud to have played a part in these wins together with other organizations that champion early childhood issues in Florida.

  • We helped increase investment by tens of millions of dollars for programs such as Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK), free to any four-year-old in Florida.
  • Since Florida’s VPK program began in the 2005-2006 school year, more than 1,800,000 children have matriculated. The first class of high school seniors benefiting from VPK graduated in 2018 at a rate of 86.1%. The high school graduation rate in 2005 was 58.8%.
  • We gained state support to create Help Me Grow Florida, a free parent resource system, available by calling 211. It is now available in 37 counties.
  • In 2011, we launched our statewide early literacy initiative, ReadingPals, with 14 regional programs around Florida. Annually, ReadingPals engages 1,000+ trained volunteers in a weekly mentorship of more than 1,800 young children from pre-kindergarten to third grade.
  • We partnered with the Florida Chamber of Commerce to create The Business Alliance for Early Learning, a business-led coalition focused on creating a world-class early education system in Florida.
  • We expanded access to quality health care for tens of thousands of children by removing unnecessary waiting periods.
  • Thanks to the united voices of early childhood advocates across Florida, we were able to help push for quality measures for early learning centers, which will promote centers that are effective and produce positive results for children across the state.

Key Messages

The messages below are not for use verbatim. They present key points about The Movement to help guide your communications.

  • The Movement is the only non-profit advocacy organization working on early childhood issues in Florida that does not accept state funds. We do not benefit financially when our advocacy succeeds. We do our work on behalf of all children in Florida.
  • The Movement achieves impact at the local level by educating and empowering Floridians on the importance of the early years, and at the state level by encouraging elected officials to think of children when they vote.
  • The Movement wants all children in Florida to have access to high-quality early education and health care. We want their parents to have access to parenting support that helps them be their best.
  • Our vision for Florida is one in which all Florida children are given a strong start.
  • We favor a preventive rather than reactive approach. We know that the first five years of a child’s life are the most important, and that investments made in this period make the biggest difference over the course of a child’s life.
  • We advocate for access for all Floridians to high-quality early learning, health care, and parenting programs.
  • Our work promotes equity of opportunity. We know all children need the same basics. If we give children what they need in the early years, we will create greater equity of outcomes.

Editorial Style

In The Children’s Movement of Florida communications we prefer certain styles for some terms. The Associated Press Stylebook is our style guide.

The Children’s Movement of Florida

  • On first reference always use our full name.
  • Never use “Children’s Movement” alone.
  • Always capitalize and use “The.”
  • Use “The Movement” on second and subsequent references.
  • Do not use CMF.

David Lawrence Jr.

  • Founder and Board Chair of The Movement since June 2010. Dave’s full biography is here.
  • No comma is used between “Lawrence” and “Jr.”.
  • Use “Dave” on second and subsequent references.

Visual Branding


The Children’s Movement of Florida’s primary version logo is the stacked lockup below.

However, you are welcome to use whatever version of the logo suits your design purposes. Download the entire set below.

Download Logos


The Children’s Movement of Florida’s primary webfont is Proxima Nova.

Proxima Nova Regular and Bold


Download the Color Palette

ReadingPals Logo


ReadingPals Media Kit

Future Project Logos

Download the Future Project Logos